Our co-founders
Paul Chatterton
ENVestor Co-Founder and International Champion
Landscape Finance Lab Founder and Lead (global finance incubator)Julie McLellan
ENVestor Co-Founder and Australian Champion
Healthy Land & Water Chief Executive OfficerDr Andrew O'Neill
ENVestor Co-Founder and Sustainability Champion
Healthy Land & Water Chief Science & Sustainability OfficerCo-benefits
Each landscape-scale offering delivers a host of co-benefits across environment, economy, society, community and culture.
Green credentials
Each landscape-scale offering provides investors with a genuine way of meeting their corporate sustainability and ESG commitments.
Priority landscapes
Each landscape-scale offering catalyses sustainable business investment in priority landscapes.
Integrated & scaled-up for greater impact
Each drives new sources of finance into large-scale nature-based solutions to rejuvenate the environment while providing tangible benefits to the economy and society.